Thursday, 11 June 2015

"This Bag Contains" Tote

Release date: 13/06/2015 | £12.50

Cardigan & roll neck crop - Urban Outfitters | Skirt - Topshop | Watch - Daniel Wellington
Photos by Beth Norton

I've been harping on about these tote bags now for weeks on all my social media, but I do hope you're not too sick of them yet! I'm just SO. Bloomin. Excited.

Originally I was going to use a supplier for these, but when I realised their maximum print was about 18cm^2 I had to look for other options. This design needed to span the entire bag or the "crumbs" would look silly. Thank goodness they were willing to sell me plain bags, and I had other means of printing. 

Charlotte (the northern Graphic Design student angel) (soon to be Sighh employee/co designer), with help from Lo and the technicians at Leeds College of Art, managed to screen print a batch of these the day before she left to go home for summer. Unfortunately most ended up with patches where the screen had dried up with paint, so for the past two weeks I've been making my way through them, paint brushes and fabric ink in hand, so they're as standardised (perfect) as possible. However I still need to sew logo tags on half of them, and iron them all...

Although I do love sleek, professionally printed products, I've always wanted to stock hand made items. They're naturally more special for the buyer as real love and hard work goes into every single unit. So when I move to Leeds for uni (squirm) me and Charlotte will be blasting out the hand printed tote bags, art prints, note pads... MANY THINGS. The thought of LCA's extensive resources being at our finger tips (for cheap) is just... YAY. I can't wait to do blog posts on the production process!

So there it is, Sighh's first tote bag. Hopefully one of many in the set! I'm thinking a for-school version would be awesome.

The Beach Bag version will be released early July! And comes with an Instagram giveaway... stay tuned.

Polly xo



  1. Polly this is perfect! I'm definitely going to be buying one when they're available!
    I'm desperate for one of your phone cases too but I'm waiting for my upgrade in October before I treat myself.

    Hayley -

    1. Thank you, glad to hear it :) And good for you, I do not have that kind of self restraint haha

  2. Oh I love this! The part about the thick layer of crumbs cracked me up because it so accurately describes the bottom of my bag haha.

    Bekki | WALLFLOWER

    1. It seems to be most people's favourite feature too! I'm pretty relieved this isn't just an issue with all my bags (and pockets)

  3. I love all your stuff but I think this may be your most creative and unique yet! The crumbs at the bottom pretty much make the whole thing, I'm going to find it hard to resist buying one (even if I'm not going to be near a beach all summer...)
    Megan x
    London Callings

  4. Sooo cute and creative! I'll have to get my hands on one! I'm looking forward to posts about the production process, I'm excited for you! :) x

    Polly Cat Contemplates

  5. You should definitely do a Uni/student one! Like 'useless lecture notes (doodles)' and 'heavy text books' or 'unused diary' haha. Would be so useful and cute at the same time! Love this Polly, well done x

  6. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS. This is probably one of my favourite products!

  7. These look incredible Polly, I love your style!

    Sara - She Who Is Short

  8. This is so amazing I love this idea so much! Canvas bags are wonderful because they have such an educated European vibe. I love taking them to uni with books in and just feeling so intellectual and cultured haha. I hope you absolutely LOVE uni. Can't wait to purchase one of these!
    Frankie x

    1. I totally get that! Love the description.

  9. So excited for all of your new products that are in the works! I own four phone cases and a makeup bag already, and I can say with certainty that I'll be a big fan of your work for a very long time to come! :') I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

    1. Awh thanks very much for that! I'm really flattered you like so many of my products too :) x

  10. Wish I had bought one of them, so sad they're out of stock now :( x


    1. I'm restocking them this summer! :) I luckily managed to find a supplier. x

  11. Cute! Waiting to see the blog post on the production! :)

  12. Oh my god! This tote is amazing! I LOVE it! So funny and witty..

    I want one. I really really want one.


  13. Oh i love this bag! It is so so so accurate! Such entertaining designs!!! 'thick layer of crumbs we do not talk about or touch' TRUE TRUE TRUE :')
    Hope you're having an awesome day!
    Jaz Bishop x

  14. The packaging instructions tell you how to iron on the glitter shapes. Large Tote Bags


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